The US House of Representatives in PA

Click on any US House of Representatives district to see who represents each district.

Party Representation in 2017

Percentage of House Districts by Party
Republican 47%
Democrat 53%

The Districts and their Parties

Pennsylvania's number of representatives in the United States House of Representatives recently reduced from 18 to 17. The is following many other reductions since the 1920s, when the state had as many as 38 representatives. This map identifies the representatives from each congressional district.

The district boundaries are redrawn after each decennial census. The 2020 US Census was conducted before the above map was originally drawn. Accusations of extreme gerrymandering following the 2010 Census and subsequent apportionment, led to many accusations of gerrymandering, which led the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to declare that original map unconstitutional in early 2018. When the state legislature failed to produce a more balanced and geographically consistent plan in the early months of 2018, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court adopted their own version in time for the May primaries. That version was similar to the map shown above.


Basemap:   Esri, Inc.

US House of Representatives Districts:   Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA)

Map Created by: Nathan H. Knisley, Fall 2017

Modifications by:   Dr. Geiger, 2023.